Monday, June 1, 2009

Priestly burdens - Day 2 on Planet Mud

Dear Diary,

Where I am finding ink to write in you and paper to write on? Well suffice to say I found a use for the moth blood we were collecting early on and the blood elves didn't really have a use for their maps anymore.

Anyway, I have to admit, this place can be pretty, there's a lovely stream here (why don't we have a damn bridge? I'll get my hooves wet). Oh and I have to catch fish, in the water. With weird little aggresive creatures that keep trying to hump my leg. They remind me of some frogs we met in space. That was hilarious, there's nothing like a frog trying to lay it's eggs in your chest to make you really appreciate how tasty they are. Thank god the frogs couldn't resurrect people. Imagine that, implant egg, host die, host get resurrected, implant egg, that would suck. 

Mental note - world domination plan, catch space-frog, brainwash space-frog, breed army of brainwashed frogs.

On the plus I've hooked up with a sexy mage, cute horns, cute tail and she can sling a mean fireball. Cons - she does have a distressing tendency to brutalise the corpses of anything we kill that has a skin. I don't know how she fits them all in her backpack, but hey I'm not looking in there to find out, gross.

And apparently we met some more 'elves', these ones are 'night' elves. Their eyes glow - it's cool. They stop when they die though. Yeah I was hoping for some night lights too.

Oh crap gotta go, we need to make friends with these 'night elves' and 'humans' and well, how do I put it, foot-rests? There was this short hairy smelly thing.

Oh yeah 'Dwarf' they called it. Don't ask me what the difference is between these folks and the blood elves except these ones seem more willing to talk.

Funnily enough though the first words they said were go kill some things for us, but hey, a priest's gotta do what a priest's gotta do.

PS Short stumpy green things are NOT edible.

1 comment:

  1. Short stumpy green things? Oh dear... you've been eating the goblins again. Or perhaps you're after the gnomes? After all, you haven't mentioned -them- in your little alliance meet-and-greet session there. I realize that gnomes are, well, gnomes... but they assure me that they are people too. I remain somewhat unconvinced, but the Alliance would beg to differ on that point now, wouldn't they?
